SUVs vs Sports Cars
02/05/03 00:00:00
By Michael Mealling
Something I've started to notice about those that critique SUV owners. They come in two classes: people that are just opposed to cars in general and would prefer all of us to drive horse drawn wagons so we're more 'in tune with nature'; and people who own sports cars who look down their noses at people who, to their point of view, drive cars that, as I've heard them say a million times, “don't handle as well”. I can't really speak to the first group since they'd be happy living in caves wearing faux bear skins. But the second just strikes me as being jealous that someone has encroached on their domain of “expensive cars”. You can almost hear them whine, “But, we're the only ones who can buy $50,000 performance automobiles!” I can stand differences of moral points of view, I can't stand personal taste disguised as social critique.
In case you're curious what tweaked me about SUVs, This article on and that second comment from Anonymous.