Smells Like Body Odor

05/14/03 00:00:00    

By Michael Mealling

p. In John's latest Space Faring Web entry, Smells Like Teen Spirit, he mistakenly attributes a Space Settlement Initiative release to the Moon Society/Artemis Society. Yes, the Moon Society endorsed the Space Settlement Initiative. But they also have endorsed the recent space settlement summits which John has been organizing. Basically the Moon Society will probably endorse just about anyone who a) works at developing space for regular human habitation and b) asks. I'm not going to berate John to much about it since the SSI release does sound an awful lot like the Moon Society/ASI wrote it. Honest mistakes happen.

p. I do think John takes that one release a little far by assuming that because of it, both the Moon Society and Artemis are adolescents not willing to do the hard work it takes to get into space. Leveling that charge at the Moon Society which is an educational/scientific organization acting as umbrella for all things lunar is way off. And the fact that many of the Artemis Project participants are busy building companies that can afford to purchases payload space on a CATS rocket suggests that Artemis is directly in line with John's views. As Randall Severy, Moon Society Chairman and CEO of CyberTeams, said, “We're all on the same side. Honest.”

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