ATF requiring explosive storage for < 62.5 g APCP motors

05/29/03 00:00:00    

By Michael Mealling

From John Wickman via izzy:

bq. __We have a couple of incidents scattered throughout the US of the ATFE telling people that APCP reloads/motors under 62.5 grams need to be put in an explosive magazine. This has happened in every case after the person either called the ATFE and asked or an ATFE visited the person and was shown the reloads or motors.

As best as I can determine this is spotty enforcement as one ATFE office is not requiring it. Typical ATFE inconsistancy.

I explained this situation to Senator Enzi's office and they are going to get an official position on APCP storage for under 62.5 grams APCP from ATFE HQ. As soon as we know, I will post it.

John Wickman


for now you may not need a LEUP for F & small G APCP motors, but you still may need an explosive magazine meeting distance requirements

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