
01/18/04 00:00:00    

By Michael Mealling

From comes the article Space plan not a done deal which has this to say:


One of NASA's human space flight planners, Wendell Mendell of Johnson Space Center, told Florida Today that one important solution is showing progress – showing achievements are being made for the money spent. He compared it to how Europeans built great cathedrals over many generations.

“While you're building the cathedral, people have to see things that actually happen so they can relate to the cathedral,” Mendell said.“So whatever the plan is, whatever you come up with, whatever NASA agrees to, whatever the president says, it ought to have built into it something that the public can see that's tangible, about every three to five years, something that happens that people are proud of that they've accomplished.”

Well, call me naive, but give me a bazaar any day of the week.

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