Update From SA '04

04/22/04 00:00:00    

By Michael Mealling

I'm having issues with the GPRS setup so I'm writing this from the Starbucks down the street. Its been really nice putting faces with names. So far I've been able to meet Clark Lindsey, Jeff Foust, Alan Boyle (yes, MSNBC is here), Jonathan Goff, Andrew Case, Al Differ and a whole host of other people I've talked to but never met in person. Nice folk.

So far no earth shattering news. Some hints though. Last night Jeff Greason reminded us that the 180 day “must grant” window that the AST has expires on April 23rd which is today. He wouldn't give any specifics about what he might announce today but he did give a strong hint that he would be. His presentation on what it takes to get a launch license out of AST was exceptional. His main point was that AST is as much in the dark about how to do this as we are and that everyone should view a launch license application as more of a perpetual, close conversation with AST that starts about 24 hours after you decide you want to be in this business. One question from the audience was “Ok, I've bought my lathe and I'm about ready to start fabricating engines, when should I talk to AST”? Jeff's response was that you should have been talking to AST long before you ever bought the lathe, much less after you've starting fabrication.

One interesting attendee is Andrew Knight who apparently has a new piston pump design. I'll find out more when I can and post it here.

So far this is extremely interesting and fun. Simply based on yesterday's half session I highly recommend coming if you can.

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