Armadillo update

10/07/04 00:00:00    

By Michael Mealling

John Carmack is giving an update on Armadillo. Mostly its about finding launch sites and deciding where to go after the Xprize. He's mostly focusing on the Xprize Cup and keeping things below the FAA license limits so he can find reasonable launch sites…

Interesting question: what is your business goal?

Tourism at the $100k price point. He's fine with 500 people at $100K. But its other stuff too like a rocket sled ride for a couple grand (i.e the opposite of the Zero-G)

Next question: as you go forward and do develop something people can ride on, do you have a plan for turning Armadillo into a standard boring old service company with things like QA, maintenance, etc?

Carmack: No, we have no plans for turning Armadillo into a boring company.

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