An Article Every Day

01/01/13 00:00:00    

By Michael Mealling

Today is January 1, 2013. The first day of a new year and that seems as good a time as any to reflect on 2012 and plan for 2013. While 2012 was an interesting year, I think its time to be a bit more proactive about 2013. Time for some blade sharpening. This blog reboot will be part of that since I plan on following David Cummings example and posting at least one new blog entry every single day of 2013. That's 365 articles.

My other blade sharpening tasks will include some coaching, recommitting to (Getting Things Done)[], strategically closing some doors, and spending more time with my awesome wife.

On a technical note I a rebooting the blog by dropping Wordpress and PHP entirely and going to a static site hosted on S3. I'm using Middleman as the framework and Twitter Bootstrap for layout. The result is that the site is completely static HTML served by Amazon's AWS infrastructure. I.e. no web spam hackers putting Viagra ads into insecure PHP.

Reboot tasks to be completed: setup Discus, import/convert all of the old articles, setup redirects from the old URLs (gotta keep the link juice flowing!), and import old comments into Discus. I'm not 100% happy with the theme either so expect some tweaking.

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