A staffing plan

01/23/13 21:26:00    

By Michael Mealling

After some twitter comments about the two articles about staffing for Pipefish I've developed a plan of sorts. I'm going to use a couple of local Rails consultancies to do the bulk of the work and design but I will be backfilling that with a few entry level developers.

The entry level developers will go through Big Nerd Ranch's complete Rails series Beginning Ruby on Rails,Ruby on Rails I, and Ruby on Rails II.

I'm going to attempt to define entry level as having some development background but no Rails knowledge. That means .Net and Java people looking for a switch. That leaves me with two outstanding questions:

1) What kind of incentive structure do you create so employees don't use me as a way to get free Rails training?

2) Are there any good guides for how to screen/interview people who can be trained to understand Rails? This article describes one method. Are there others?

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