Upcoming space related events in Atlanta

02/09/13 20:28:00    

By Michael Mealling

There are a few interesting space related events that are coming up in the next few months in and around Atlanta:

  • The first meeting of the Georgia Space Soceity will be Febraury 23rd at 4:00 pm at Hypepotamus.

  • Yuri's Night at Fernbank - April 5th sponsored by the Georgia Tech Planetary Society

  • Yuri's Night at the Bar - April 12th at a bar in Midtown Atlanta at 6:00 pm. We are tentatively saying Gordin Biersch on Peachtree St.

  • NASA Space App Challenge - April 20 - 21 - Part of the larger International Space App Challenge, it is a two-day technology development event during which citizens from around the world will work together to address current challenges relevant to both space exploration and social need.

  • Atlanta Space Startup Night - To Be Scheduled - Get a bunch of people together with business advisors, scientists, students and entrepreneurs and build a space company!

Am I missing anything?

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