My vision of Georgia's future space industry

02/24/13 21:56:00    

By Michael Mealling

This past Saturday was the first meeting of the Georgia Space Society. We had about twelve people show up and many more who joined via the Meetup. This is just a beginning. The NSS currently has 78 active, dues paying members across the state. We have a base to build from. So what are we going to build?

1) We are going to use space as inspiration (push the rope) and as an industry (pull the rope) to turn Georgia's education system around.

2) We are going to build companies here. Whether its in Atlanta or Woodbine there will be jobs here in Georgia for AE grads from Georgia Tech, ME from Georgia Southern, or Welding and Joint Technology from Georgia Piedmont College.

3) There WILL be grits in space!

4) There will be enough going on in Georgia that the center of gravity will move from Huntsville to somewhere around Rome as more and more is done here. This assumes SLS will be canceled as it inevitably will after the Falcon Heavy flies.

5) The Georgia Space Society will help by providing political support, financial sponsorships, event infrastructure, and hundreds of motivated and inspired activists.

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